I was a military brat and moved from place to place until high school. We finally landed in
Everett where I graduated in 1960. After playing one season of football at Everett Community College, and
then joined the US Marine Corps. I played football, wrestled, a third baseman on the baseball team, and was
an NCO in charge of the recreation department. Upon completing my military obligation, I reentered
Everett Community College, and then transferred to Seattle Pacific University where I earned a BA in
I taught 5th and 6th grades for 20 years, coached football and wrestling, and taught
hundreds of grade school girls gymnastics. During this time I earned a master degree from Western WA
During my undergraduate studies, I had a minor in art later transferred to junior high as an
art and photography teacher for the next 13 years. I retired from teaching in 1999.While teaching art,
I took myself to saddle school during my summer break. I became the first and only saddle maker in Kirkland.
When we move to Tonasket I opened a saddle shop. Part time became full time so I retired once
again but still do leather project occasionally.
I am the kind of person who has to be building or making something so now my time is spent
playing billiards, quilting, and wood working.
I have been married for 44 years; have 3 children and 3 grandchildren.
My goals are to spend more time with family, become a master quilter, and complete many
woodworking projects that have been sitting on the back burner.
I grew up in a small town in western Montana. While in high school we moved to Everett where
I finished school and went on to ECC. I graduated from SPU with a business education degree.
I taught high school for 6 years, had a family, worked part time for a printing company, and
then went back into teaching--this time at a Lake WA Vocational College where I taught adults for 15 years.
When I retired, Tom and I moved to Tonasket. I now volunteer at the visitor center and the
hospital guild where we donate our sewing and quilting skills on community projects. My spare time is spent
using the computer (in other words, playing), listening to books on tape, playing games and cards, and
entertaining our grand children (babysitting). It's a great life!
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